Welcome to my Blog!

10 06 2007

I realize this blogging phenomenon has been around awhile, and with many of you knowing my Late Adopter tendencies, this should be about as surprising as when I finally got a cell phone in late 2004.  It is high time that I too stake my claim to some virtual real estate that I can call my own, hence the inaugural launch of this blog which I have named: there must be more.  Some yahoo already got www.robertgarey.com and since I graduated from high school a long time ago, I’m not about to sell out to the MySpace/Facebook (or what I affectionately like to refer to as, “MyFace”) bandwagon.

The occasion for this blogging experiment is the fact that I have just quit my job with a management consulting firm in Washington DC, and now plan on escaping to the Caribbean.  For the past year, I have been working in an anonymous cubicle deep within the bowels of some secret government operation center.  Although I am glad to have had the opportunity to serve my country in this capacity, I am longing for more.

Therefore, this summer I will be working with Esperanza International, a Micro Finance Institution (MFI) that leads community-based economic development efforts focused specifically on benefiting children and their families in the Dominican Republic (DR) and Haiti.  I will be living in a city called Puerto Plata (see map) on the northern coast of the DR with my nuevo hermano, Norberto Eusebio.


Here on out, this will be the official place to go to ensure that I am, in fact, still alive (and very much intending on being at my little sister’s wedding extravaganza in Seattle on August 19th!). I will be developing this site more in the coming weeks, so hopefully you will find it frequently graced with plenty of photos, and perhaps a meaningful thought or two.

Forgive the brevity of this initial post, but my plane will be leaving shortly, officially beginning this next adventure…

there’s more, rob