fighting prostate cancer with… my mustache!

13 11 2010

Movember is upon us!  Here at Saïd Business School in Oxford, the month formerly known as November has become Movember, as an elite company of men, my Mo Bros, have defied conventional MBA wisdom during job recruitment season by growing our mustaches to raise awareness and funds for men’s cancer research.

Perhaps you’ve heard of Movember (see before— the recent global phenomenon where on the 1st of Movember, participants (usually men) start the day clean-shaven and then for the rest of the month grow their stache’s until Movember 31st.  The following grooming rules apply:

  • There is to be no joining of the Mo at the sideburns
  • There is to be no joining of the handlebars at the chin
  • A small complimentary growth under the chin is allowed (aka The Tickler)

Like a coat of arms for his face, a moustache instantly places a man in the International Society of Modern Gentlemen.  So join me and my MBA Mo’ Bros as we help change the face of men’s health this Movember.

You can follow the awesomeness of my team’s staches at our Team Donation page, as well as my own Mo Space.  One of our Team’s Mo Sista’s has a great article HERE in the FT on us mustacioed MBAs.

You can follow Movember on Twitter at @MovemberUK or go to for all the details on the movement!  Thanks for the Mo Love–

Here’s to fine moustachery and immaculate grooming,   rg

Brain Rules For Baby: How to Raise a Smart & Happy Child from 0 to 5

6 10 2010

Many of you know that I have spent the last few months working with my friends at Pear Press promoting a groundbreaking new book written by a jolly scientist named Dr. John Medina.

His new book, Brain Rules For Baby: How to Raise a Smart & Happy Child from 0 to 5 is coming out on Tuesday, October 12th throughout the US, and I could not be more excited for parents everywhere, and particularly early learning educators, to grab a hold of the many insights in this book.

Why are some babies easy and others fussy— and how do you get an easy one?  What’s the single most important thing you can do during pregnancy?  What does watching TV do to a baby’s brain?  Scientists know.

In his New York Times bestseller Brain Rules, Dr. John Medina showed us how our brains really work—and why we ought to redesign our workplaces and schools around these rules.  Now, in Brain Rules for Baby, he shares what the latest science says about how to raise smart and happy children.

One of the surprises: The best way to get your children into the college of their choice?  Put down the book and love your spouse!

Brain Rules for Baby bridges the gap between what scientists know and what parents practice.  Through fascinating and funny stories, Medina, a molecular biologist and dad, unravels how the brain develops from the womb through the early years.

Some topics discussed include:

• Where nature ends and nurture begins
• Why men should do more household chores
• What you do when emotions run hot affects how your baby turns out, because babies need to feel safe above all
• TV is harmful for children under 2
• Your child’s ability to relate to others predicts her future math performance
• Smart and happy are inseparable. Pursuing your child’s intellectual success at the expense of his happiness achieves neither
• Praising effort is better than praising intelligence
• The best predictor of academic performance is not IQ. It’s self-control

What you do right now—before pregnancy, during pregnancy, and through the first five years— will affect your children for the rest of their lives, and Brain Rules for Baby is an indispensable guide on the great adventure known as parenting.

Cutest. Baby. Ever.

30 07 2010

I’m in awe of the cuteness of my lil niece

Can I also sit like you and do nothing?

20 06 2010
An eagle was sitting on a tree resting, doing nothing.
A small rabbit saw the eagle and asked him, ‘Can I also sit like you and do nothing?’
The eagle answered, ‘Sure, why not.’

So the rabbit sat on the ground below the eagle and rested.  All of a sudden a fox appeared, jumped on the rabbit, and ate it.

Moral of the story:  To be sitting and doing nothing, you must be sitting very, very high up.

boldness has genius, power, and magic in it

15 06 2010


Meet Jasmine Rose Coy!

11 05 2010

Uncle Rob sure loves his new niece!

Help win a $1M grant from Sam’s Club

15 04 2010

Kiva is the world’s first online micro-lending website to help the world’s working poor help themselves to alleviate poverty. They have been chosen as one of four finalists in the Sam’s Club “Giving Made Simple” competition, for a chance to win a $1 million dollar grant – but can only win with your help and support!  With this grant, Kiva will multiply the impact by 10 by generating approximately $10 million more in loans from the Internet community, to help 25,000 entrepreneurs in the US and around the world.

How is this possible? Kiva historically generates $10 in loans from the Internet community for every $1 they spend building and strengthening the platform. By investing in the dedicated engineering and portfolio staff who make Kiva possible, they can have 10 times the impact of the original grant.


–Sam’s Club members can vote DAILY through May 2nd at

There are only 24 days left in this campaign, so your daily vote really matters! If you have additional time to volunteer for the campaign, please fill out the following form:

–If you don’t have a Sam’s Club membership, please spread the word! Send Sam’s Club members you know the link to vote for Kiva: Utilize your social media outlets by encouraging others to vote for Kiva on Facebook and Twitter.

a public campaign targeting victims of trafficking

9 04 2010

The Seattle Against Slavery coalition has received permission to post these all over Washington state in public areas, particularly in public bathrooms and rest stops.  Join us @!

Join the (growing) abolitionist movement in Seattle

5 03 2010

For more information on how to join the abolitionist movement in Seattle, join Seattle Against Slavery on March 15th at a general public meeting.

6 pm Network | 6:30 pm meeting begins ’til 8:30 pm

  • SAS Update
  • “Understanding Youth in Prostitution” by Guest Speaker, Leslie Briner, MSW
  • Panel Discussion with Leslie Briner, Sheila Houston (Director of New Horizon Ministries’ Late Night Outreach), Hope Brian (a Seattle public defender), Lisa Etter Carlson (Member of Awake Church)
  • Legislative Advocacy Training
  • SAS Fundraising Plans to introduce SAS’ “Seattle Cares Project” for Dedicated Trafficking Survivors Shelters #1 & 2 Plans

Bonus: first 25 people gets free book of “Renting Lacy” by Linda Smith of Shared Hope International

UW Hillel

4745 17th Ave. NE*

Seattle 98105

*35 parking spaces along alley + back parking lot, otherwise street parking

Register for this meeting here:


Questions? Email me or SAS at seattleagainstslavery [at] live [dot] com

Team Tia: A “Kiva” Loan Around the Globe

26 02 2010

Team Tia – Loan Around the Globe” is a Kiva lending team dedicated to Tia, a nine-year old girl living in Murcia, Spain. Tia has been diagnosed with several illnesses including dilated cardiomyopathy, Graves Basedow disease, pulmonary arterial hypertension, and congestive heart failure.

Tia is a strong girl with a passion for helping others and has enjoyed supporting Kiva entrepreneurs around the globe. Kiva lenders have been inspired by her story and last May, they created “Team Tia” to show their support for her by helping Kiva entrepreneurs. To date, “Team Tia” has 273 members and has made 1265 loans totaling $34,150. The Kiva community thanks Tia for her dedication to help alleviate poverty throughout the world and we are sending our very best wishes her way!

Original post @