How to Twitter Your Wedding

7 10 2009


Having just dominated my September 7th wedding with my epic bride, I’m now guest blogging on WeddingWindow‘s blog, www.  My latest post is entitled, “How to Twitter Your Wedding“, and offers some thoughts and tips on connecting with your wedding audience throughout the engagement and wedding season via Twitter.

Image from

Best. Wedding Advice. Ever.

4 06 2009

We’ve all been to one.  Many of us have been involved in one.  And many more of you have planned, hosted, enjoyed, (survived), and celebrated your own.  As I now stand at the outset of my own engagement, I am like a sponge ready to soak up the collective wedding wisdom that abounds in my community.  Tell us what we need to know!

Post in comments.  Post on our Facebook walls.  Send us emails.  Call us.  Tweet us.  Do whatever you must, just don’t keep your experience, advice, and counsel to yourself!