fighting prostate cancer with… my mustache!

13 11 2010

Movember is upon us!  Here at Saïd Business School in Oxford, the month formerly known as November has become Movember, as an elite company of men, my Mo Bros, have defied conventional MBA wisdom during job recruitment season by growing our mustaches to raise awareness and funds for men’s cancer research.

Perhaps you’ve heard of Movember (see before— the recent global phenomenon where on the 1st of Movember, participants (usually men) start the day clean-shaven and then for the rest of the month grow their stache’s until Movember 31st.  The following grooming rules apply:

  • There is to be no joining of the Mo at the sideburns
  • There is to be no joining of the handlebars at the chin
  • A small complimentary growth under the chin is allowed (aka The Tickler)

Like a coat of arms for his face, a moustache instantly places a man in the International Society of Modern Gentlemen.  So join me and my MBA Mo’ Bros as we help change the face of men’s health this Movember.

You can follow the awesomeness of my team’s staches at our Team Donation page, as well as my own Mo Space.  One of our Team’s Mo Sista’s has a great article HERE in the FT on us mustacioed MBAs.

You can follow Movember on Twitter at @MovemberUK or go to for all the details on the movement!  Thanks for the Mo Love–

Here’s to fine moustachery and immaculate grooming,   rg



One response

16 11 2010

Love the cause, and love the picture… but it’s a little creepy. 🙂

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