Unbound Conference

21 04 2009


On May 8-9 in Seattle, the Freedom Initiative is hosting the 1st Annual Unbound Conference.  It’s been a privilege to work with this alliance of students who are passionate about seeing justice in the streets of Seattle and an end to human trafficking in our own neighborhood.  Register before April 24th and join us as we bring together artists, musicians, non-profit leaders, and experts on modern-day slavery to raise awareness and empower people to become advocates for the victims of human trafficking.

I’ll be leading a conversation about how the injustices of the 21st century call for innovative, community-based solutions that look more like businesses than bureaucracies. Be a part of the conversation on how social entrepreneurs are collaborating to confront human trafficking through community-driven, technology-based innovations that are providing sustainable solutions across the globe.

The cost of registration is $10. All proceeds go to organizations providing services to victims of human trafficking. The $10 registration fee is not tax deductible.

If you have any questions about the conference, please contact registration@freedominitiative.org