26 09 2008

It is becoming universally aware that we live in a day where, despite living at the historical zenith of wealth, political freedom, and self-actualization, there are more people living in slavery today than ever before.  The statistics are staggering– with nearly 27 million men, women, and children held as slaves (Kevin Bales, Disposable People), and the total market value of illicit human trafficking is estimated to be in excess of US$32 billion (UN), or more money earned by Google, Nike, and Starbucks combined.

At a time when public intolerance for the continued existence of slavery and human trafficking is at an all-time high, a new film steps onstage to capture the sound, and particularly the anthems, of the modern day abolitionist movement.  The CALL+RESPONSE film project is establishing a new genre in film where the audience isn’t left to mere passive observation, but rather called to respond to the reality of the injustice portrayed in it’s images and depicted in it’s songs.  Not only is C+R unique to documentary film, but it’s popularity is further establishing the growing notion of “open source activism”– where the power and inherent talent of a unified community is the groundswell behind the fight against slavery (and all injustice), and not just the governments, NGOs, and enforcement agencies society overly relies upon to do our dirty work.  This project is the vision of musician Justin Dillon, who has himself demonstrated the impact one man’s life and talent– committed to serving the oppressed– can accomplish.

If you are in Seattle, plan on attending one of the opening screenings with me at Metro Cinemas on October 9th, 13th-16th at 7PM and 9PM each night.  Tickets can be purchased HERE or by calling 888.495.7064.  The film opens nationwide in October; for your city visit HERE.