Thoughts on the Road

20 10 2007

Airport at Night

Unique is the loneliness of an international airport terminal. Travelers from the furthest reaches of the airline industry, waiting together in a perpetual state of transition. No one is home, but either coming or going. There is no prevailing culture, language, or flag. Some travel in groups, some as couples, but most are alone. For the lone traveler, how can one’s thoughts not slip out of this waiting area, wander out the nearest terminal exit into the night, cross some vast body of water or landmass in an instant, and swiftly descend upon what that traveler deems as home.

What is a home? Home can mean many things, but I suspect that for most, home is a person or a particular group of people– a community. Could that be why so many of my fellow travelers look to their cell phones for relief from such homelessness?

September 16th, 2007 reflections from Newark Airport

Read More Fiction (RMF)

8 10 2007

More Fiction

In an effort to broaden my literary horizons beyond the usual non-fiction I read, I’m asking for your personal recommendations for good fiction. Post a comment or send me an email with your suggestions, a top 10 list, or whatever, to get me beyond the usual history, theology, or current affairs I read.

Interestingly enough, women are statistically more likely to read– and read more fiction– than men. For an enlightening article on the gender gap in reading, click here.


No Gmail Chat

October is No Gmail Chat Month for me. Yes, I’ll be the first to admit that I have a slight addiction to email and other forms of electronic communication. And so in an effort to loosen these shackles of bondage, I have decided that I will not sign on to Gmail Chat for the entire month of October.

Therefore, if you see my little green or red (with a little white line through it) status light on Gmail Chat before November 1st, feel free to unleash a hearty rebuke!